Some younger people may find most of this stylized movie to be a bit ho-hum but I went to school with Sharon Tate's Cousin I and remember this time very well and the impact Sharon's death had on her family. In this movie we are not only subtly reminded of simple things from the past that we had almost forgotten about, a jingle from a TV commercial, the familiar dashboard of a car we may have ridden in as a kid or the sound of ice being pried from an old fashioned lever style ice tray, but we get to see history re-writen so that real life characters are (shall we say) "thwarted", across the years, before they were able to carry out their truly evil mission.
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Once Upon A Time In ... Hollywood (My review)
by Terry inonce upon a time in... hollywood my review.
i rode my bike through 3-digit temperature and watched quentin tarentino’s new film.the title harkens back to sergio leone’s trilogy titles.. i wanted to see it for personal reasons.
the time span covered is the background to much of my life.
Staying a Jehovah's Witness
by lriddle80 inwhy the shunning if someone leaves?
why are they working so hard to keep everyone in?
is it money?
Pete Zahut
Shunning keeps JW's from hearing the other side of the story while simultaneously providing a means for them to feel extra virtuous about themselves.
How did Adam and Eve survive when kicked out of the Garden of Eden?
by I believe in overlapping init’s funny how a simple question like this is something that the dubs never even consider.
my dad asked this question to a couple of witnesses and they wondered for a minute and said; .
“i never thought about it, i’ll have to ask the elders”.
Pete Zahut
No bush of the field was yet on the earth and no vegetation of the field had begun sprouting, because Jehovah God had not made it rain on the earth and there was no man to cultivate the ground.
As far as I'm concerned the jury is still out, when it comes to whether the creation account is literal.
However for the sake of this discussion, the quotation above demonstrates the problem with using scriptures out of context. We did this a lot when we were JW's and we ended up believing all sorts of nonsense because of it.
Yes...Verse 5 says there was no rain and no vegetation for some time before man was created. But if you continue in Verse 6 it shows that by the time man was created, the entire surface of the earth was watered. Since Verse 5 says that there was no plant life because there was no rain, Verse 6 seems to indicate that this was solved once the earth sprang forth water therefore making it possible for plants to grow once he caused the ground to be watered.
Verse 8 goes on to talk about God planting the Garden of Eden. Just because God chose a specific spot to plant a garden for the first humans, doesn't mean the rest of the earth wasn't vegetated and had wheat, corn and all the other edible plants and fruits we have today, growing wild for Adam and Eve once they were put out of the garden.
5. Now no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth, nor had any plant of the field sprouted; for the LORD God had not yet sent rain upon the earth, and there was no man to cultivate the ground.
6 But springswelled up from the earth and watered the whole surfaceof the ground.
7. Then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.
The original post posed a question that was supposed to prove that Adam and Eve couldn't have survived once they were put out of the garden because there wouldn't have been time for them to raise crops before they starved. This is easily disproven and any JW worth his salt could have answered this question.
Did you ever thought this?
by Theonlyoneleft inso.. you are a jw or studying, living your life and doing your bit, feverish of spreading the good news to everyone that will listen!.
you prep yourself for meetings, doing your ministry and applying all that there is into your daily life.. so....i have a question... you know... my clogs.
when you where completely in the religion, did you ever think about the impact of your way of life and religion towards others, specially those that lived around you such as good friends or family members that didn’t studied?
Pete Zahut
Pete you’re always welcome in London!!!.....I hope you’ll get to visit the Westminster Abbey one day, it’s a place filled with historical facts ☺️.
Well thank you!!
When I was a kid living in the U.S, we were able to travel quite a bit. One time, after much discussion, I was really upset when I found out that we weren't going to see Westminster Abbey. To this day, the British and Irish side of the family still call me "Mr Abbey" because apparently I said "Why can't we go and see Mr. Abbey??". They all thought that was hilarious and it broke up some of the tension in the room and they still recount the story.
Since then I'm happy to say, I've been able to visit Westminster Abbey and other historical religious sites in Europe.
Did you ever thought this?
by Theonlyoneleft inso.. you are a jw or studying, living your life and doing your bit, feverish of spreading the good news to everyone that will listen!.
you prep yourself for meetings, doing your ministry and applying all that there is into your daily life.. so....i have a question... you know... my clogs.
when you where completely in the religion, did you ever think about the impact of your way of life and religion towards others, specially those that lived around you such as good friends or family members that didn’t studied?
Pete Zahut
Until we found out later that the Governing Body members etc visited famous historical churches and "holy places" in their many travels, we used to avoid them because we viewed them as part of Babylon the Great (touch not the unclean thing).
I remember my Mother being apprehensive about visiting West Minster Abbey for example, when we were visiting non JW family in London even though she had invited and fully expected them to come to the meetings with us at the local Kingdom Hall while we were there (which they did, out of politeness).
How narcissistic and arrogant to think that our visiting the historical church that was the flagship of their religion would be offensive to God and them not attending our meetings would be a considered a rejection of the "Truth" and another nail hammered into their collective coffins.
How a young Jehovah's Witness found an escape and a Teacher suddenly appeared.
by Terry inhow a young jehovah's witness found an escape and a teacher suddenly appeared._____________.
1974____i escaped texas in my mid-20’s -- a fugitive of my own life--fleeing westward into california with a dream of- i know not what.i knew nothing useful - it was only bible knowledge.what i did know, i was full of in the same way foie gras is made.
(in france, ducks are force-fed until their liver bursts.
Pete Zahut
Thanks for sharing this experience from your past and for the foresight to write down or at least pay close enough attention to Myoshi's words so as to remember them, even if you didn't get the full impact of them until later.
I could almost picture him, hear his voice and see his wry smile as I read your story. He must have seen something in you that prompted him to share his insights on life and the details of the loss of his family. I'd say his words were not wasted for they are still having an impact on others, decades after he first spoke them to you.
How did Adam and Eve survive when kicked out of the Garden of Eden?
by I believe in overlapping init’s funny how a simple question like this is something that the dubs never even consider.
my dad asked this question to a couple of witnesses and they wondered for a minute and said; .
“i never thought about it, i’ll have to ask the elders”.
Pete Zahut
As a JW, it was my understanding that animals and vegetation were created and existed on the entire earth not just solely in the garden. The creation that took place, took place over the entire earth. Fish were in the seas, lakes and rivers, birds flew in the skies and animals roved the earth. That being the case, there would be all the vegetables, roots, nuts and berries that exist today, available for them to eat and Adam and Eve could do so as well once the we’re put out of Eden.
If the story is true, the earth today is still under the same curse, yet vegetation still grows despite the thorns and weeds. There was no indication in the Bible that Adam and Eve (if they existed)had to start from scratch. It only said that their work to grow things from that point forward would be more difficult than it was before. Not impossible.
It seems to me that anyone who believes this story is literal would have been able to easily answer this simple question before the went out publicly offering to study the Bible with people.
Blew it this morning with 4 JWs
by Vanderhoven7 inso i decided to go hunting for jws this morning.
walked to the end of my driveway and who should be approaching...but 2 ladies, one old (dianne) and one younger both with watchtower mags in hand.
dianne shared how the world was under the control of satan etc.
Pete Zahut
Next time you should wear this T-shirt
Convention canceled in Queensland
by Festus inapparently a big regional convention in australia has been cancelled.
instead there will be 14 conventions at the local convention hall.. does anyone from downunder have any idea about the reason?.
Pete Zahut
I suggested in a previous thread that more and more secular venues might be percieving the JWs as "toxic clients" due to all the bad (albeit deserved) CSA-related publicity...
I can see why you'd say that but when you think about it, they have no trouble renting these facilities for concerts and the musicians who sometimes go out of their way to makes sure everyone knows of their bad reputations, not to mention the unruly crowds they tend to draw.
I'm guessing it's more about projected costs and concern over having them covered, due to the dwindling contributions coming in.
Do You Think Trump Bares Any Responsibility For The Mass Shootings Occuring?
by minimus inwhen any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
Pete Zahut
I agree with Pete Zahut. If all media outlets voluntarily agreed to never mention the name of a gunman it would reduce the frequency of mass shootings.
Yes and simply report once or twice in a 24 hour period that it happened and stick to the basic facts (time place number of casualties) and refrain from showing video and playing up the emotional reaction of those who witnessed the event.
As it is, they are constantly bringing us instant up dates by the hour and reporting (with video) on every salacious tidbit of information they can possibly find.